
Steve represented a hospital system in the first hospital acquisition in Georgia required to follow the procedures described in the Hospital Acquisition Act. He has assisted healthcare providers with peer review matters, general regulatory compliance, the design of legal compliance programs, hospital mergers and joint ventures, physician recruiting and retention, Certificate of Need and Letter of Non-reviewability applications and opposition, tax, and other matters. Steve has spoken at a number of educational seminars, covering matters such as the Stark Law, the Anti-Kickback Statute, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), malpractice liability and tort reform, and tax law.
- Office Phone: (770) 214-5108
- Cell Phone: (770) 841-2854
Staff Contact Information
Monica Sharp
- Phone: (770) 214-5153
University of Georgia School of Law
Athens, Georgia, 1992
Doctor of Jurisprudence
- Honors: Cum Laude
- Honors: Order of the Coif
- Honors: Phi Delta Phi
Law Journal: Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
Managing Editor, 1991 - 1992
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee, 1985
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Economics and Psychology
More about Steve
He served as President of the Georgia Electric Membership Corporation Counsel Association from 2002 through 2003, and currently serves on the Electric Cooperative Bar Association's Advisory Board. Steve has assisted EMCs in a wide variety of matters, including the revision of bylaws and policies, appeals of ad valorem tax assessments, and conducting board meetings, member meetings, and other public meetings. Steve is a frequent seminar speaker on utility law and other matters of relevance to electric cooperative attorneys, accountants, and employees.
Steve is a partner at Tisinger Vance, P.C. Steve graduated from Vanderbilt University and the University of Georgia School of Law with honors. While in law school, he was the Managing Editor of the Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, received a School of Law scholarship, and was a member of The Order of the Coif, an honor society for those graduating in the top ten percent of their class at select law schools.
Steve is a past director of Carroll County CASA, a non-profit organization that provides court advocates for abused and neglected children; a past director of the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce; a member and past president of the Carrollton Lion's Club; a member of the Georgia Academy of Healthcare Attorneys and the Health Lawyer Section of the American Bar Association. He and his wife, Catherine, have three children.