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Clinton Kelly

Clint Kelly joined Tisinger Vance, P.C. in the fall of 2023. His principal areas of practice include residential real estate, commercial real estate, estate planning, probate, and business transactions.

Mr. Kelly graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2023 with his Juris Doctor degree. While in law school, he served on the executive committee of the Negotiation Board. Prior to law school, Mr. Kelly earned his Bachelor of Arts in ­­­­­­­­­­­Political Science from Mississippi State University in 2019. Mr. Kelly was a summer law clerk with Tisinger Vance during his time at the University of Mississippi in 2021 and 2022.

He and his wife, Meredith Sammon Kelly, reside in Carrollton.

Real Estate Staff

Heather Ray

Emily Linney

Michalla Edmonds

Sandra Westmoreland

Blake Soverns

Grecia Gonzalez

Gabriella DiGiugno

Haven Farmer

Estate Planning Staff

Amy Lindsey


University of Mississippi

Oxford, Mississippi, 2023
Doctor of Jurisprudence

Mississippi State University

Starkville, Mississippi, 2019
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

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